MPI parallel executables have to be launched with mpiexec -localonly # lmp_mpi .. or mpiexec -np # lmp_mpi .. with '#' being then number of parallel processes to start. For the latter you may be asked for your password.

Known Issues: while running in MPI parallel mode any output to the screen is block buffered and not line buffered as usual. That is, output will not show up immediately, but only after a certain amount of output has accumulated. This is done for efficiency reasons. Multi-threaded parallel or serial runs are not affected. Also when running under mpiexec, you should not use multi-threading since MPICH restricts processes to a single physical CPU thus it will run less efficient.

Last modified: Wed Sep 03:08:35 UTC 2020 by akohlmey
LAMMPS can be downloaded, built, and configured for OS X on a Mac withHomebrew. Only four of the LAMMPS packages are unavailableat this time because of additional needs not yet met: KIM, GPU,USER-INTEL, USER-ATC.
After installing Homebrew, you can install LAMMPS on your system withthe following commands:
This will install the executable “lammps”, a python module named“lammps”, and additional resources with all the standard packages. Age of empires mac download online. Toget the location of the additional resources type this:
This command also tells you additional installation options available.The user-packages are available as options, just install them likethis example for the USER-OMP package:
It is usually best to install LAMMPS with the most up to date sourcefiles, which can be done with the “–HEAD” option:
To re-install the LAMMPS HEAD, run this command occasionally (make sureto use the desired options).
Once LAMMPS is installed, you can test the installation with theLennard-Jones benchmark file:
If you have problems with the installation you can post issues tothis link.
Thanks to Derek Thomas (derekt at for settingup the Homebrew capability.